¡Únase a nosotros para Navidad en Trinity Church! Ya sea en persona en uno de nuestros campus o en línea, ¡nos encantaría tenerlo en uno de nuestros servicios de Nochebuena o en cualquiera de nuestros otros eventos de temporada!
OLIO ROAD CAMPUS | 11721 Olio Road, Fishers
Trinity Kids will be provided for children 0-3 years at all services.
*Servicio bilingüe de 6 PM
¡Únase a nosotros para Navidad en Trinity Church! Ya sea en persona en uno de nuestros campus o en línea, ¡nos encantaría tenerlo en uno de nuestros servicios de Nochebuena o en cualquiera de nuestros otros eventos de temporada!
Garfield Park
We served over 4,200 meals at our weekly worship service and free community dinner last year, an increase of almost 20% from the year before. God is moving! In addition to the weekly meal, your gift will help supply the clothing closet, fund outreach events like the Block Party and Hark!, and care for the facility, which we share with our Mizo Congregation led by Pastor Khamh. $150 provides the meal for 1 week.
Immigrant Connection
Founded out of our Wesleyan movement, Immigrant Connection’s (IC) mission is to give every immigrant family access to high-quality, low-cost immigration legal services. Your gift will allow Trinity to open an IC office at our NE Indy Campus and provide training for someone in our congregation to become an accredited legal representative through IC’s training program with the Department of Justice. $135 provides legal services for 1 person.
Family Advocacy Ministry
FAM is a new Trinity endeavor that creates a church-based support system for at-risk children by equipping foster and adoptive families and surrounding those families with a safety-net team of people who pray, give, provide meals, etc. $500 provides a new foster family with startup expenses like food, clothing, toys, and furniture.